Winter Weddings

For those of you who don’t know, I’m kind of a huge wedding nerd. As in, I love everything about them and continue to watch insane amounts of wedding-related reality TV years after I tied the knot myself.

Luckily for me, I can chalk some of my wedding dorkiness up to “research” since I’m the editor and head fashion woman over at Best Hudson Valley Wedding Ever.

Anyway, since I usually have weddings on the brain and I haven’t shared much of it with you lovelies over here, I thought I’d show you one of my winter wedding inspiration boards (here’s the link to my original post, where you can find all of the sources. I found most via Pinterest):

I’m not gonna lie, I’m totally in love with everything about this board. I almost (almost) want to renew my vows just to have a winter wedding.

Are you wedding obsessed?


Filed under Fashion, Weddings and Parties

3 responses to “Winter Weddings

  1. I’m not too sure if I’d like a winter wedding….the cold doesn’t agree much with me! However, when everything looks so clean and chic….ahhh it’s hard to turn it down! If you ever have a renewing of vows over the winter period, I’d love to see it!! xx

  2. Pingback: Ch-ch-changes | a touch of lovely

  3. Super pretty. Having spent an absolute fortune on my wedding with absolutely no plans to do it again, I pretty much block this kind of stuff out. Been there done that kinda thing. People go crazy for it though. I’m too cynical now 😉

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